Tuesday, May 01, 2007

In Which I Am Forgetful And Intentionally Make A Cooking Faux-Pas

Last night I set the pork loin out to thaw.  I must emphasize that I hate pork loin (in general) but as my husband likes it, I make it for him.

The stupid pork loin wasn't thawing as quickly as I wanted it to, so I threw it in the sink full of cold water in an attempt to thaw it early enough that I could brine it before I went to bed.  I normally set a timer for that sort of thing, but I got distracted by giving myself a pedicure and other girly things like that and forgot entirely.

I awoke with a start at 5:40 a.m. and thought, "I never took the pork loin out of the sink last night, did I?"

Of course I didn't.

I figured if it had been in there all night another half an hour wasn't going to hurt it any more than it already was.  So I went back to sleep until my alarm was supposed to go off at 6:15.  (Which it didn't; I forgot to turn it on last night, too.  I think something is wrong with me.) 

Fortunately I woke myself up from a disturbing dream at 6:17 a.m. and was very relieved to get out of bed. 

(To give you an idea of just how disturbing my dream was, it involved The Kid, his deceased hamster Steak, giant green worms crawling out of Steak's ears on to me, and me accidentally chopping Steak's head in half with my fingernail.  Certifiably disturbing.)

After making the bed I wandered out into the kitchen, poked the pork loin roast in half-filled sink with my finger once or twice.   Considering it had been sitting out for, um, 9 hours I decided that it was fairly cool still.  Thus: safe to eat. 

I prepared its brine, covered it and stuffed it in the refrigerator.

I told Joey what I had done and all he said was, "It's probably fine.  I say we eat it."

Mom probably wouldn't feed something like that to her family.  I'm beginning to feel guilty and altogether like I'm poisoning my husband by feeding him a creepy pork loin.

I'll let you all know if we throw up all night from food poisoning.

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