Tuesday, April 24, 2007

I Am Boring

Apparently my life's real boring right now. So dull, in fact, that I could not convince myself to get out of bed and get started today.

(This could be due mainly to the fact that it's rainy, gloomy and cool and my bed was so comfy...)

Joey is quite responsible, HE actually got up when his alarm clock went off (at 5:00 a.m., I might add) and wound up giving Henry a bath. (Henry's, um, sick. We missed him crying in the middle of the night so he had an accident in his kennel. Poor baby.)


My alarm went off at 6:00 and I got up, looked in the mirror, petted my still-wet puppy and went back to bed.

Ten minutes later Joey came in the room. "Are you going to get up?"

"No." I said, burrowing into my pillow and holding my bear by my head.

"But your alarm went off..." He was subtly saying: I got up when MY alarm went off, you should too.

"Yeah....I reset it." It's been a bad habit for me the last couple weeks. (Resetting my alarm, I mean, not getting up. Although getting up FEELS like a bad habit...)

"OK," Joey said, kindly, and shooed Henry out of the room.

Henry sat at the door and cried for a few minutes before realizing that I was not going to come out and give him his "morning rubs" or play with him. Again, poor baby.

Twenty minutes later, my alarm went off. I considered rolling over and pretending it wasn't happening, but the noise was so annoying that I forced myself to get up. I made the bed in the dark before going out into the living room.

I was greeted by bright light, a still-damp dog, and an alert husband. "Babe, you're finally up!"

"Rawr." I said, and began to wander around pointlessly. It took 15 minutes before I could get excited enough about the day to actually get in the shower.

And, thus, I conclude that I must be Very Boring Indeed or I'd be able to get up easier in the morning.


  1. Nah boring is when all you do with your life is eat, sleep and work..... OMG thats me! no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. I think there are times like this for everyone. I for one have had these times. Although, the Bible doesn't call it boring I think it is a lack of hope or rather in some cases a lack of reflectiing on the hope we have. This results in what in modern days is called either "boring" or "depression". Just know I'm praying for you and Joey!
