Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Henry is a Renegade

Because Joey's getting soft in his old age, he started allowing Henry to sleep on the floor in our room about 3 months ago.  This was fine because Henry didn't think he could jump up on to the bed and bother us while we were sleeping.

Recently he has learned that he, in fact, can.  He jumps on the bed in the middle of the night and burrows around for prime real estate OR sits on our pillows.  It's not our favorite. 

He's been sleeping in his kennel a lot lately.

Joey and I bought some 6 1/2 inch bed risers at Bed Bath and Beyond, certain that our $10 fix would keep Henry from bounding on to the bed at 3:00 a.m to lick our faces

Last night poor Joey was extremely tired.  At 8:00 p.m. he looked at me, pathetically, and said, "Can we go to bed?"

"Now??"  I asked.

"Yeah, I'm SUPER tired."

We agreed to each do one more thing and then we'd go to bed.  I took a bath (a real hardship, I know) and Joey worked on Greek.  I think I got the better end of the deal on that one.

At 8:35 I came out and asked Joey if he was finished.  He looked really drowsy.  He decided that he was so he put up his Greek, took Henry out one last time, and crawled into bed to read me Winnie the Pooh.  (It was Eeyore's birthday last night, in case you're wondering.)

I sat up and read until 9:30, but Joey conked out as soon he closed Pooh.

Henry was curled up in the down comforter on the floor, sleeping peacefully.  I hoped he'd stay there.  He was really, really cute.

This morning when my alarm went off, something fluffy and soft wriggled around by my toes.

"Henry?!"  I asked, feeling quite awake from my 9 hours of sleep.

Joey, who was not getting up yet, said, "Didn't you put him in bed with us?"

"No..." I said, "I thought you must have."

"Raaaaattssss...."Joey mumbled, not really caring that our "$10 fix" didn't fix nothin'.

So apparently Henry can still jump on the bed.  (That kid's got ups.)  At least he didn't: lick, burrow, or jump on us.  I suppose we ought to be thankful for small favors.

Either we're going to have to get used to him occasionally waking up on our bed, or he's sleeping in his kennel again.


  1. The younger of my parents two cats goes and sleeps with them too. They've given up trying to persuade her otherwise as she feels the need to be with and touch people she loves. My mum has often fallen out of bed because the cat keeps snuggling next to her and each time in her sleep she moves away until eventually she's moved off the bed! She will also wake them up about 6 when she wants to eat but sometimes shes nice and lets them have a lie in and goes and eats the cat biscuits instead.

  2. Henry is certainly more of a renegade than the ernie that alex has.
