Wednesday, April 25, 2007

My Unwise Decision

I got up this morning feeling really awake and energetic.  I thought to myself, "I should wax my eyebrows!"

And so I did.

Fifteen minutes later, I was in pain and free of some obnoxious eyebrow hair.  (I'm not really sure why I'm telling you this.)

I washed my face, dried it and looked up in the mirror.


All the skin around my eyebrows about an inch up and an inch down was fire engine red.

"I cannot go like this!"  I wailed, as Joey made his way into the bathroom.

"Wow..."  He said.

I started trying to find ways to do my hair to cover up the red blotches that were now covering my forehead.  "If I wear it all forward like this you can't really tell, right?"

Joey chose wisely and left the bathroom so as not to have to answer any further questions.

And, thus, I sit here with a blotchy forehead.  Remind me never to wax my eyebrows before I leave for the morning.