Wednesday, April 25, 2007


I think I'm codependent on The Kid.

I need him to answer Great Questions of Life for me, so I call him all the time to get the answers.  Such as:
1.  Should I buy a cookie with tons of frosting on it?
2.  I need to go to the bathroom, what do I do?
3.  There's cookies here, should I have one or not?
4.  I'm bored, what should I do?
5.  Should I get a soda?

Poor The Kid.  He is often bothered by my phone calls at strange hours of the day or night.  (Most particularly doing Youth Group.  And sometimes during church, but those are text messages.)

I also feel compelled to tell The Kid everything bad that I do.  (So sometimes my Verizon bill is high if I have to take lots of pictures of things and send them to him on his phone.)  I thought maybe this codependency would end when I moved to Texas, but it seems to have pretty much remained the same.

Gotta love technology, eh?

Um, The Kid, should I get a soda? .......

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