Thursday, April 26, 2007

The Breathe Right

Some of you may remember a previous post on my Pops' Breathe Rights. Some of you may not, so I'm including it here for a back story.

When Pops, Mommy and The Kid came down last month, Pops brought along his Breathe Rights. I assured him that he'd be in big trouble if I found any in unusual places. Fortunately for him, I didn't find any.

While he was here.

Last night I wasn't feeling very good. It was chilly outside (yay!) so I put on my lounge pants and a t-shirt and loafed around with Henry all evening while Joey went to church.

Around 9:30 I got into bed, Joey read me Pooh (Kanga and Roo came to the Hundred Acre Wood and Piglet got a bath, poor thing) and was just about finished with the story when I said, "There's something funny on the inside of my pants."

"Oh?" Joey said as I struggled with the comforter to try to get to the bottom of what was scratching my ankle.

I flipped the lining of my lounge pants out and, to my great astonishment and horror, there was a Breathe Right.

Regardless of the fact that my stomach was really hurting, I began to laugh uncontrollably. "How did a Breathe Right get inside my pants?!" I asked Joey.

He was stymied. "Maybe in the laundry?" He offered.

Maybe, indeed.

Obviously Pops' legacy of Breathe Rights has followed him down to Texas. And, thus, he's in Big Trouble.

I fell asleep shortly after I removed said Breathe Right from my pants (it was really stuck on there) and came from my sleepy haze suddenly at 10:30 when Joey finished his Greek and came to bed.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him.

"Going to bed," he replied. He thinks it's funny when I'm disoriented in my sleep.

"Am I wearing pants?" I asked.

"Yes, you are." He replied.

"I thought I took those off." (I must have gotten them confused with the Breathe Right.)

"No, you didn't. You're wearing pants."

And we settled in to sleep with Henry on the foot of the bed. (We've given up.)

I got up when my alarm went off this morning (yay!) and felt much better than I did last night (YAY!). I sat on the floor to give Henry his Morning Rubs and Joey came in to pat me on the head. "Good morning!"

"Good morning," I replied. Then, suddenly, "Hey! I'm wearing pants! I thought I took those off."

Joey laughed. "No, you never did."

See what Dad's Breathe Right did to my brain?!


  1. What does "Nationally Syndicated" mean? I'm going to refer to you as a "Nationally Syndicated Columnist" because it sounds fun and official, and I think I heard somebody say it as a compliment once about somebody who wrote good? Not only that, but you're SO powerful that you can to make things "proper." For instance, most people would just say, "big trouble." But due to the severity of the matter, you have officially bestowed it as "Big Trouble." Only someone as high up as you could make such an official decision. Grandpa would be proud.
