Friday, April 27, 2007

Joey Gives Me A Haircut

When I got my "stacked bob" haircut a couple months ago, the stylist left it a little bit long in the back.  A sort of "I Can Tell This Is Going To Be A Mullet Tail In A Month" kind of long.  I tried to get her to fix it but she didn't understand.  And when I went back for a trim a month ago, she still didn't understand and cut it the same way.

Sigh.  The trials of moving across the country and having to find a new hair stylist.

It has definitely grown into a Mullet Tail.   NOT CUTE.  The rest of the haircut is just fine...except for my Mullet Tail.  I played with it all day long yesterday even trying to figure out if I could cut it off myself in the bathroom with a mirror and some scissors.

I decided not to push my luck.

This morning, however, I couldn't take it anymore.  I looked at the back of my hair in the mirror and made an exectutive decision.

"Joey?  Can you come here and cut my hair?"

"What?!"  Joey yelped and came into the bathroom dragging his feet.  "You want me to do what to your hair?"

"Cut it.  See this mullet part?"

"Yessssss...." trailed off Joey.

"I want you to cut that part off."

"How?"  He was not excited about this.  "What if I wreck it?"

"You can't wreck it.  Just cut straight across here," I demonstrated, "And you'll be fine."

"OK...fine..."  He took the scissors in hand and, slowly, began to snip.  I felt hair fall on to my shoulder with a satisfying little fluff.

Moments later, "I think it's higher on the right side than on the left!"  Joey panicked.

"It's OK, just fix it...." I soothed.

A few seconds of high concentration later and Joey said, "OK, done.  How does it look?"

It was perfect.  NO MORE MULLET TAIL! 

"Sweetie!  You did perfect!"  I cried.

Joey cleaned the fuzz off my shoulders and walked out of the bathroom, quite pleased with himself indeed.  The entire hair cutting venture has been a win-win situation.  He feels great that he did awesome cutting my hair and I feel great that I no longer look business in the front and suspicious in the back. (There was no "party" in my Mullet Tail.  It just looked suspicious.)


  1. nice job Joey! I have to say I don't know if I could muster up the confidence to cut ashley's hair! kudos for you!

  2. aw, no pictures for this one? how 'bout a "before and after"
