Wednesday, April 18, 2007

In Which I Spill Water All Over My Pants

I had a cluster headache today so wound up going home at 1:00 to take a nap. While the headache is not yet gone, it at least feels better and I guess I need to pick my battles. Henry was super cute, too.

At about 6:20 I was on my way to take dinner to Joey at DTS. (He's monitoring a distance learning class, the prof's in Houston and they're beaming him back to Dallas.) I'd picked up Subway after I went to the chiro, being sure to ask for extra mayo for Joey, and was nearly to the school when my phone rang.

"Can you go to BK and pick up something for the other guy I'm working with?" Joey asked.

"Sure," I said, mentally planning my new route.

Joey explained the sandwich I was to attempt to get (I told him no guarantees because of the headache) and asked me to pick up an extra water. I agreed.

Drive Thrus and I very rarely get along.

However, since nobody was in the Drive-Thru I decided to take my chances. I made my order, remembering the specifications, and didn't hear anything from the squawk box but static. The BK I had chosen was a kind of shady one so I figured somebody had shot the speaker and so it wasn't working anymore.

I decided to pull forward.

The moment I drove away, the voice came through clearly on the speaker asking me to confirm my order. So I put the car in reverse, got close enough to the speaker to be heard and yelled, "YES, THAT'S FINE!"

I heard, "Welcome to Burger King, may I take your order?"

I gave up and drove to the window, not entirely sure what I was going to get when I got there.

The kid inside handed me the sandwich and the water in a small, very flimsy plastic cup. I almost asked him for a paper one, but in the interest of time I opted not to. I paid him, thanked him, and left.

Once I got to DTS I loaded myself up with my purse, Whole Foods bag containing all my toys to keep me busy during Joey's class, the soda for Joey and the water for the other dude. I did not have enough hands.

I stepped out of the car and at that precise moment, the water fell off the soda against my stomach. The lid popped off and I was in an instant soaked from belly button to knee.

(But only on my right side, so again, counting the blessings.)

I wilted.

Fortunately it's kind of warm tonight, so I jumped around and kicked my right leg to dry it off. I then realized that I probably looked possessed to anyone passing by, so I quit doing that.

Besides, the whole jumping-kicking combination hadn't dried off my leg at all.

I juggled my purse and Whole Foods bag while trying to call Joey to find out where he was. I knew the classroom number but, as I had seriously wet pants, wasn't too keen on Plan A, which was walking into the classroom and asking for Joey. I figured I'd lay low.

Joey didn't answer his phone so I stood outside the classroom, facing the wall, trying to decide my next plan of action. I got several odd looks from students. Not sure if it was that I was staring at the wall or that my pants were soaked.

Probably a little of both.

To my great relief, Joey came bursting around the corner just then and nearly knocked me over. He felt very sorry for me and my wet pants, as he should.

Two things to be thankful for:
1.) The glass of water was very small
2.) It was not soda

And my pants have sufficiently dried off now, so I can even cross my legs now. YAY!!!

1 comment:

  1. Sister,
    your adventure does sound something similay to Odyssey's "For Whom the Wedding Bells Toll"--one of my personal favorites, when Connie and Jason try to go to the drive thru and their speaker is just a strange static blaring. At least you seem to have gotten the right order.
