Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Mr. Forgetful

The t-shirt that Joey got me spawned a lot of family flurry. We all have been assigned characters from either the Mr. Men or Little Miss series of books and most of us have updated our Gmail statuses and pictures accordingly.

Even Pops! (With some serious help from Laura.)

It was decided yesterday that Joey's character is Mr. Forgetful. POOR JOEY! He gets in these "autopilot" states and just starts driving the car places. Back in Iowa we'd be headed to church and he'd be starting to go south to work.

(I'm really hoping he doesn't get on the "Iowa Work" autopilot someday and wind up in Kansas before he's realized what's happening.)

He often forgets minor, trivial things. Some days, though, he can forget a lot of them at once, which makes me wonder if he needs to eat more protein.

As I made dinner last night, I informed Joey of his new moniker.

"HEY! That's not nice!" He said.

I then reminded him that nearly all of the family name assignments were derogatory. (Except Mom's, of course.) He resigned himself to his fate. "Who's everybody else?"

"Well, Ashley is Little Miss Stubborn and Stephen's Mr. Noisy."

"Oh, totally. Stephen's really noisy." Joey broke in.

"Andrew is Mr. Clever which doesn't sound all that derogatory, but he looks like Mr. Clever and that's sort of derogatory. The Kid is Mr. Mischief (obviously) and poor Pops is Mr. Bump because he broke his toe. Mom is either Little Miss Shy or Little Miss Splendid. Probably Little Miss Shy."

Joey nodded in agreement.

Laura's Little Miss nickname was up in the air at that point---Andrew had assigned her one that was just way too nice (Little Miss Splendid), so we told him it had to be something a little more derogatory than that. The best he could do was Little Miss Tidy. <sigh>

Oh, and I'm obviously Little Miss Trouble.

After all this explanation we sat down to dinner. It was very tasty. We cleaned up quickly and went our separate ways for a half hour or so.

I was in the kitchen working on Henry's dinner when Joey came up and leaned against the bar.

"What's my nickname again? I don't remember."

I looked at him. "You don't remember?" I assumed he was kidding.

"No, I don't remember."

I could tell he was serious. I sighed and tried not to laugh.

"SWEETIE....your nickname is Mr. Forgetful!"

Joey totally blanched. "What?! And I forgot that it was Mr. Forgetful! This is not good at all." He wilted and went over to the couch to pout about his brain cells.

I was getting ready for bed when Joey came in all excited about something.

"I think I figured out how not to forget stuff as much!" He then elaborated this program for his Mac that will help him with to-do lists and suchlike.

I say, more power to ya, babe. I mean Mr. Forgetful.

1 comment:

  1. But SISTER, Stephen is Mr. Noisy, not Mr. Loud!
