Monday, April 02, 2007

In Which Jenna Strands Joey

I was almost to the place I go all day when I got a call from Joey.
"Babe, do you have my car keys?"
My heart sunk. (sank? Grandpa, please advise.)
"Um, I can't tell because I'm not able to look right now.  But I probably do and I'll call you as soon as I know."
I had his keys.
Last night when we came in from shopping, he unlocked the door and went straight in to let Henry out.  His keys were still in the lock, so I took them out and threw them on the floor.
Later that evening I tossed them in my purse, assuming they were mine.
And that's how I wound up in downtown Dallas with every single key for Joey's car.
At rush hour.
I called poor Joey back and told him the situation.  "It's going to be about 10:00 before I can make it back up there, nobody's moving on the freeway.  Can you wait that long?"
He said he could.
Tonight we're going on a date to Walmart (I know, I know...) to make tons of extra keys to keep around the house so this never happens again.

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