Monday, April 02, 2007

True Story

This was recently overheard.  (By me, of course.)

Person 1:  My cat has been waking up in the middle of the night, like clockwork, at 4:00!

Person 2:  Oh, I'm so sorry!

Person 1:  And then he digs at the carpet furiously, tears a bunch out, and then eats it.

Person 2:  Wow...that sounds bad.

Person 1:  It is.  The cat hadn't gone to the bathroom in four days.  He was getting all bloated and looked like a hot air balloon.

Person 2:  Poor kitty.

Person 1:  So we took the cat to the vet, gave him an enema, and the vet prescribed Prozac.

Person 2:  Did it help?

Person 1:  Yes!  He's back to normal again and isn't even acting drugged up.

Wow.  Prozac for a cat.  What will I hear next?

1 comment:

  1. that is absolutely crazy! thanks for sharing though.
