Sunday, April 01, 2007

Lady Looks Like A Dude

I dressed as a dude for the People Search activity.

I dug up an old pair of Joey's jeans, a blue baseball cap and a button down. Unfortunately, the jeans were too long and I knew I'd have to cut them if I was going to be convincing.

He wouldn't let me cut the pair I wanted to wear, but the pair he gave me was actually shorter than the pair I preferred. I cut of 4 1/2 inches so they'd only slightly drag on the floor.

We got ready in a leisurely manner and decided we'd better take pictures of ourselves. Not only for posterity, but we figured that Mom might like to see me lookin' like a dude.

After taking and subsequently uploading the pictures, Joey and I came to the conclusion that I bear a strong resemblance to The Kid. (Not saying that The Kid looks like a lady, just that I looked like a dude.)
I was going for the bored, disinterested, iPod wearing teenager look (sorry The Kid) and I think I got it. I tried to remember to walk like a dude and I figured I was set.

Joey, on the other hand, looks like a funeral director. (Either that or some young punk exec who parts his hair like an old-timey guy.)

I thought his disguise was very ingenious. The dark brown hair and no glasses look really does a lot for him.
Half of the groups wound up locating me, while only one or two found Joey. Most of the kids walked right past him and didn't recognize him, which was pretty awesome. (To be fair, he didn't recognize them either. But then he didn't have glasses on.)

When we all met up at the end to compare disguises, someone said to me, "WOAH! You look like a DUDE!"

Everyone else just couldn't believe that Joey had permanently dyed his hair.

I knew the entire event had been a success. And now I'm going to take a nap.

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