Monday, April 02, 2007

Ode to Jo(e)y

I have the best husband ever.

Due to a slightly neurotic personality have a tendancy to freak out about Very Important Things such as: laundry, dirty floors, menus, and grocery shopping. I was supposed to go to a Seminary Wives retreat this weekend and, I must admit, I left a list for Joey to do.


Well, on Saturday night I decided I'd had enough retreating, so I left early. Joey was out having "guy night". (I didn't tell him I was coming home early because I wanted to surprise him, and I didn't want to wreck guy night.)

When I walked in the door, I was reminded how thankful I am for my husband! He had vacuumed the floor (I hate hate hate hate to vacuum. Always have.) and was doing laundry for me!

That's one thing that reminded me how wonderful Joey is.

Last week he bought me a flower. (A lily, actually, the kind we had in our wedding.) It hadn't opened yet. But when I came home it was open and I could smell it all over the house.

A very lovely thing to come home to.

YESTERDAY Joey did something very nice for me indeed. We were at Target buying sheets (how domestic, I know) when Joey suddenly disappeared.

He returned holding two John Mayer CDs.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"These are for you." He said, smiling.

"FOR ME?!" I shrieked, forgetting I was in Target. "But we shouldn't spend that money!"

"I'm going to use my discretionary money for the month." Joey replied.

And so you see, my husband gave up all of his discretionary money for the entire month (on the first day of the month no less) just to buy me two CDs that I wanted so I could listen to them in the car.

Oh, and he's taking me on a date this Friday night.


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing. Joey keep it up! The Lord rejoices greatly in this! and it brings me much joy and encouragement to see a godly example.
