Friday, May 18, 2007

The Case Of The Mysterious Poo Bag High Up In The Tree

Joey and I walked to Target to pick up some IBC to drink while we watched our movie. We were on our way back when Joey suddenly said, "OH! I forgot to tell you something funny that I saw!"

"Really?" I asked.

"Yeah, I was coming home tonight and I was by the Dumpster in the corner of the parking lot and I saw a blue bag up in the tree above the Dumpster, just like the kind we use for Henry's poo! Isn't that weird?"

"Um...well, see I was going to tell you about that..." I sort of trailed off.


"Did you already know I did that and were just baiting me to see if I'd tell you?" I asked.

"No, I had no idea, I just thought it was weird. Now what happened?"

And so I began to tell him the story I'm about to tell you.........

Henry and I were out walking on Wednesday afternoon. He did his little doggy business, so I picked it up in the little blue bags that we carry on his leash for just that purpose.

When we came to the Dumpster, I thought it would be really fun to make a full circle with my arm and then release the bag of poo at just the right moment, whereby it would fly into the Dumpster and I would be impressed with myself.

I tried once. It smacked against the side of the Dumpster rather unimpressively.

I tried again. I released the bag of poo much higher this time.

Quite a bit higher, actually...

I never saw it land. Never heard it land, either.

This struck me as odd, but since I couldn't see if and didn't know where it was, there wasn't anything I could do about it. Henry and I went back home and I forgot about it.

Until Thursday when I was on my way in from work. I was walking past the Dumpster when I noticed a bright blue object (a bird maybe?) rather high up in the tree.

Upon closer examination I realized it was the bag of Henry's poo that I had inadvertently flung into the tree. It's pretty far up there, too.

As I do whenever I do anything dumb/amazing, I called The Kid to relay my predicament. He said that it was a pretty awesome story but he had no suggestions for how to actually get the poo out of the tree. (He's not real handy in a pinch, I tell you what.)

And then I forgot about the little blue bag of Henry poo.

Until this evening.

And now you know as much as Joey does, and The Case Of The Mysterious Poo Bag High Up In The Tree has been solved. Whew, I feel better now.

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