Friday, May 18, 2007

It's Friday

It's Friday and I'm cold.

Earlier there was a real big flying bird (seemed like some kind of eagle, but I don't know if we have those in Texas) soaring around outside my window.  It's odd to be level with huge, soaring bird.  Especially one that's screeching and seems like it's going to dive bomb your window.

But if the bird did crash into somebody's window it was a floor or two down, I never heard anybody scream.

I just could not think of anything good to blog about today.  I think my material's drying up or something.  Nothing disastrous (or even semi funny) has been happening to me lately.  I've been...normal.

And it feels strange.

I need to start getting into trouble again so I can have something good to write about. seems like my creativity is broken.  At least until something dramatic happens to me again, then I'll be on a roll.

I'm getting my hair cut tomorrow.

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