Tuesday, May 08, 2007

I Am Short, Part Eleventy Billion

I wear 3-4 inch heels every day. It's fun to make that clack clack noise on marble floors, I think. At any rate, most days I'm 5'4" or maybe even 5'5" depending on the shoes.

Today I wore flats. Extremely flat flats.

I was standing by a cabinet, staring at the wall trying to remember what I was doing when someone came over to me. She stopped, looked down at the top of my head and said, "Wow...you're really short. I didn't realize."

I looked up. (A bit farther up than normal, mind you.) "Yeah, I'm short."

"I knew you were short..." she sort of trailed off. Then, "Do you have trouble at amusement parks?"

You know, those little You Must Be This Tall To Ride This Ride signs and whatnot.

"Well, no. I'm over 5 feet. But I that line on the You Must Be This Tall To Ride This Ride sign did come up to my nose," I said.

She laughed, I laughed, passers-by laughed. Suddenly the whole thing became awkward and we all went back from whence we came. I sat down and thought I might just need to go home and listen to "Short People Got No Reason To Live".

We've got beady little eyes, you know. And nasty little feet. (According to the song, anyway.)

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