Thursday, May 10, 2007


As has previously been discussed, The Kid has close to a zillion nicknames.  I have one more to add to that list:  Majesty.

It came about the way most all of The Kid's nicknames come about.  He popped online one day and I started to send him an IM.  The first thing that came to my mind was "Majesty", and so I wrote it.

Since then, he has been Majesty.  And I am his loyal subject.

(Our mom is unsure whether or not her youngest is actually "Majestic", and I have the email to prove it!)

Last night before we fell asleep Joey and I were talking about The Kid and his Majesty.

"Why do you call him Majesty again?"  Joey asked. 

"He has tons of majesty!" I said, then explained it to him ending with, "And I am his loyal subject."

Joey sort of did this odd snort-like thing.  "Then I am his disloyal subject!"  He proclaimed, forcefully.

"NO!"  I gasped, horrified.  "You cannot be disloyal to the Majesty!"

"Yes, I can."  Joey said firmly.

And I suppose it was settled.  I am the Majesty's loyal subject, and Joey's his disloyal subject. 

But I suppose they'll still do most everything together when we're up in Iowa and probably leave me at home while they do it.  Seems to be the usual practice, anyway.  (But as it generally involves places like Best Buy, I'm fine with that.)

Majesty; my liege. 

1 comment:

  1. My loyal subject. Make me a sandwhich.

    And I want to see that email. Mom's in trouble...
