Monday, May 14, 2007

The New Bed

It's my anniversary today; happy anniversary to me! (Oh, and Joey too.)


On Saturday we got the last piece from IKEA that was necessary to construct our new bed. (It had previously been leaning against the wall in our apartment for a week as the sidebars were out of stock last weekend. But that's a story for another day.)

All in all, the bed looks exceptionally nice. (It has a real headboard and a real footboard! Not one that has been poorly constructed out of cardboard and three layers of batting, covered over with ivory material that got stained when I spilled on it!)

Henry, poor guy, is not at all happy with our new bed. He gets all concerned and confused when he hops up there, only to realize he can't just jump off the end of the bed anymore. There's Something There now. He just sat there and stared at the footboard the first night we had it. It was pretty funny.

Joey, on the other hand...

After he put the whole thing together on Saturday morning he climbed into bed to test it out.

"This isn't going to work." He said.

"What?!" I asked, horrified. (I really like the bed. It's super cute.)

"It's not going to work. I always hang my arms and legs off the ends of the bed. Now I have something stopping me on both ends."

A serious problem, indeed.

"You're just going to have to learn to adjust," I said, sensitively.

Joey made some growling noises and attempted to stick his arms and legs off the bed at the same time. He had limited success.

(Aside: My husband isn't actually that tall. I'm still not sure how he manages to stick both his arms and legs off the bed at the same time and still sleep comfortably.)

Fast forward to last night.

Joey and I decided to be lazy and watch The King and I. We started it at 9:00 so we only watched the first half. It was just enough, however; I was quite inspired and walked around the house singing such songs as "I Have Dreamed" and "Shall We Dance" while I got ready for bed.

Fortunately Joey likes it when I sing.

By 10:30 we were finally ready to fall asleep. I was just about there when I heard a faint clang, clang, clang and scratching sound. Henry was in his kennel, so I figured he was clawing at the sides.

After about 10 minutes, I was getting annoyed.

"What IS that noise?" I asked, sleepily.

"What noise." Joey was sort of bouncing from the Mt. Dew he drank while we watched The King and I.

"That clanging noise. Is Henry freaking out in his kennel?"

"No way, he's out. He got worn out when Kat borrowed him earlier." (Our neighbor likes to borrow our dog.)

"Well it's bothering me," I said. "Is there something in the house that shouldn't be?"

"Oh...." Joey said, sheepishly. "This clanging noise?"

I heard it again.

"Yes, that."

"That's me. I'll stop." He'd been drumming his fingernails (or lack thereof) on the black metal bed frame.

"'s really annoying..." I said, and fell mostly asleep.

At 11:30 I awoke with a start. A very LOUD noise had just reverberated by my head.

"Jooooeeeeeey!!!" I hissed.

Nothing. He was very asleep.

"Stop banging your wedding ring on the bed!"

Still nothing. I poked him with my foot for good measure.

"Whaa?!" He woke up, surprised.

"You scared me. You banged your wedding ring on the frame really loud and it scared me."

"Oh........sorry......" And he was asleep again.

With his arms all woven through the headboard so they could sufficiently hang off. What a guy.

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