Tuesday, May 15, 2007

I Think My Pops Is Following Me

I was lazy this morning and didn't get up until 7:00, which resulted in my not enough time to take a decent shower as I have to leave at 7:30.  I suppose one could say it was my own fault.

Due to my strange "shower" and the fact that I got up 30 minutes before I was supposed to leave, I am having a Very Bad Hair Day.  There is absolutely no excuse for it, especially since it could have been avoided entirely by getting up at 6:00 when my alarm went off the first time.

(I've been married to Joey for too long; I never used to slap the snooze or reset my alarm.)

Anyway, here I was this morning, semi-bathed, very perfumed, and feeling really odd looking. About 10:00 a.m. I started noticing it.  Everywhere I went I smelled a really familiar smell.  Not a bad smell, just a familiar one.

I couldn't figure out what it was until about noon.

Pops' deodorant.  Every time I moved, I smelled it.  (And I know what it smells like because I used to test it out when I was a kid.)

So I'm not sure what this means...maybe Pops turned himself invisible and is following me around? 

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