Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Last night Joey was sick with a rather substantial fever, so Henry and I took to the streets in an effort to keep the house quiet for him to sleep.  I had been working in the kitchen but kept dropping things and waking poor Joey out of his feverish slumber on the couch.  I decided it was better for all parties involved (especially my dishes) if I quit what I was doing and went outside.

I grabbed the last two nasty hot dog buns that I have been saving to feed to the fish/ducks/pigeons, and Henry and I were on our merry way.

After I gave Joey some Sprite, crackers, a cell phone, and told him where we were going.  (Not that he remembered it.)

Ever since changing Henry's food last week, he's been extremely high energy.  He was high energy before, but now he's like a dog on fire or something.  (It's really annoying.)  So I've been trying to take him on long walks to burn off all this newfound energy.  Hasn't really been working, but it's good for both of us.

I fed the nasty catfish an entire hot dog bun and was really amused at their frenzied attempts to get the bread.  Henry wanted to jump in and get the fish and kept whining and shaking on the dock, so I decided we'd better go before he actually did jump in and get eaten by the catfish.

We then walked over to Henry's little swimming pool (a creek with a really deep spot in between the two lakes) so I could feed the ducks and ducklings. 

Henry wanted to go swimming but instead sat there whining and shaking by the side of the lake.  (I sense a theme with him...)  He was also jealous that I was feeding bread to the ducklings and not him.  He's got issues.

I successfully kept him from diving into the lake (barely) and then we decided we'd better go to Petsmart to get some little doggy dropping bags.

We finally got to Petsmart.

I was in the toy aisle examining a rabbit squeaker toy when Henry grabbed it out of my hands and then tore off down the aisle to try to keep me from taking it away from him.  I have never seen him become so obsessed with a toy that fast, but I had to pry the toy out of his mouth.  Everyone in the aisle was laughing at me/him and making comments like "wow, he really wants that rabbit" etc.

He didn't get the rabbit.

We were on our way out of the store, dropping bags in hand, when two huge labs (one chocolate and one golden) walked by.  Henry was SO excited.  He began skittering around on the linoleum floor excitedly.  The labs came over and smells were exchanged between dogs.

I was just getting ready to sign for the transaction when Henry suddenly got scared of the chocolate lab and tried to run out of the store. All he managed to do was screw up my signature. But the clerk was nice and offered Henry a treat (he didn't want it); we left the store mostly unscathed.

We walked the half a mile home fairly uneventfully.  After walking for an entire hour, Henry still had enough energy to bring me every single ball and stuffed animal that he has to see if I'd play fetch with him.

I need a nanny for my dog. 


1 comment:

  1. no way hoser. i'm not moving to dallas. but i will play with him when i come in a couple weeks:-)
