Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Apparently more people read this thing than I previously thought. A very enthusiastic "Hi" to Greg L and whoever else from FBC happens reading this. (Perhaps those of you who are as yet unidentified should comment so I know who you are...)

I have been tagged again, only this time by the other Greg. As most of you have probably read the rules in the earlier post, I won't write them again. For those of you who have not, you can find them here.

I shall commence 8 more facts/random things, however this time I'm sticking to facts. Last time I did random things.

1.) I am short.
2.) Coffee and caffeine make me so hyper anymore that I shake, my heart races, and can't breathe well.
3.) I have never broken any bones.
4.) I cannot knit, crochet, or embroider.
5.) I'm 24 going on 12, just ask The Kid. (Or my poor husband...)
6.) I like to sing!
7.) I don't like math but, um, I do math all day. (Funny how that works.)
8.) I'm a homeschool drop-out (a fact that pleases my siblings immensely) but I'm definitely homeschooling my children someday.

Hmm...let's see...who to tag....

Katie, Mark, Matt, Jenny, Grandpa (?), Kyle, Ally, Michelle

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