Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Mom's Tuesday Poem

And, as it's not likely that one can write a poem about one parent and not the other, this one about Mom oozed out of my brain after writing the one about Pops.  It's not likely that either one is likely to win a Pulitzer for poetry, but perhaps they will make you smile.

My parents, after all, make me smile.  :)

Our Mom

We all know that Mom is cute
(And that she even plays the flute!)
But I'll let you in on a secret...
If you promise not to leak it...

My mom is top-notch!

See, it's hard for Mommy to get it
That her kids all think she's a hit,
But for a better mom no one could ask
And trying to find one would be a big task.

Our mommy read us Winnie The Pooh
On afternoons when we had nothing to do,
She took us for walks in the woods
And taught us to sew skirts and hoods.
She made us do chores
So we'd never be bored,
And sometimes we went to Bever Park
Where we saw animals like those on the Ark.

Mom was always teaching us
Important things and not silly stuff,
Like Bible verses, proverbs and what was right
And trusting God, who kept us safe at night.

All these things and many more
Our mom taught her brood of four.

Wild children we turned out to be
As most, I'm sure, would quickly agree,
But I know that I can safely say
That our mom loves us anyway!

1 comment:

  1. Jenna, I'm a little sloow but you have been tagged by me because I don't know very many other people to tag!
    Greg L.
