Saturday, June 16, 2007

I Fight Back

Many thanks to those of you who have wished me well in this latest trauma of my life. I feel much better knowing that some of you have made things up to reassure me that I probably won't be carried off by cockroaches in my sleep.

I do have a rather active imagination.

Speaking of, though, before I discovered all my lovely well-wishes my imagination was working overtime. I awoke at 7:15 a.m. (on a Saturday!) with one thought in my mind:


I managed to stall myself until 8:30 and I laid in bed and tried not to think about cockroaches. Unsuccessfully. I woke Joey up on my way to scour and it was decided that we might as well just get up and go to the chiropractor and get on with our day.

At the chiropractor's office I decided to paint the kitchen.

(If one has cockroaches and is going to move the refrigerator to "clean" behind it, one might as well paint while at it.)

I made Joey move the refrigerator for me as well as check for roaches. He gave me the all clear and that's a good thing; I'm not sure what I'd have done if he'd been like, "Oh! A roach!" Probably passed out or something.

So I spent two hours painting our kitchen with some exceptionally cheap paint (but I could get a whole gallon of it for $12, which is cheaper than a pint of the good stuff...) and it's a really light shade of blue.

Similar to the one we painted Joey's parents living room but, alas, not the exact same. (I'd have had to buy the fancy paint for that color and I was feeling cheap.)

Anyway, if I were a cockroach I'd stay far away from my apartment for several reasons:
1. There are no food crumbs
2. The light blue walls of the kitchen do not provide good blending-in backgrounds for hiding
3. Screaming women would hurt my ears (do roaches have ears?)
4. There are signs posted informing of the Impending Doom when the exterminators come (well, not really...but it's an amusing idea)

I'd totally post pictures of my freshly blue kitchen...but our camera got stolen. So you'll have to use your imagination.

And tomorrow I'm taking everything out of my cupboards and washing them with chemicals. Once I tried to drown a roach in bleach and it still didn't die (I'd already tried water and 409)

....Wait, I probably shouldn't admit that.

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