Friday, June 15, 2007

It Gets Worse

We were just getting ready to go to bed tonight when Joey said, "I haven't read your blog yet today." So he sat down and did just that.

He finished it, looked up and asked asked, "So are you really going to call them?"

"Um, call them?" I got up off the couch and stretched.

"Yeah, the exterminators."

"Of course. I can't handle those nasty things."

Joey looked down at his lap in a Very Mysterious Way.

"What?" I asked.

"Well....I didn't want to tell you..." he started.

"Tell me what?" I demanded.

"They're coming on Tuesday. To exterminate," he mumbled.

"Wow, is that supposed to be like a surprise? Did you read my mind?" I asked.


"Well, what then?" I probed.

"I saw a cockroach in here last night--"

I screamed bloody murder, louder than I have screamed in a very long time.

"Where?! What!" I ran straight to the bathroom (don't ask me why) all the while looking around very nervously to see if any cockroaches were in my line of sight.

"It was in the office. It flew by my head and I thought it was a rubber band...then it climbed up my desk and I realized what it was."

"Did you get it? Is it dead?" I wailed.

" got away."

I screamed again.

And so between now and Tuesday I will probably be living on pins and needles. Honestly; cockroaches in MY house!! (My very clean house!) What's worse is that it'll take something like three rounds of extermination to be sure all the little roachies are dead, too, said the man at the leasing office.

It doesn't make any sense to me. We have a very nice apartment in a very nice complex with very nice, new carpet. Now, how the stink do we have cockroaches? Joey said the guy told him they're in the walls. (That's reassuring...)

Oh my gosh, we might have to move.

And on that note, I'm going to go to bed before one flies past my head and I freak out and throw the laptop against the coffee table in a mad dash for someplace where the cockroach is not. (Granted, I'm not sure where that would be anymore, though.)


  1. You know, your cockroaches are Southern cockroaches (especially if they fly), and they are not as nasty (supposedly) as the vermin we have up north.

    Granted, they are bigger... but not as nasty.

    That's what I've heard....
    from Grandma Laird I think :-) You'll have to ask her.

    May you sleep un-molested by cockroaches, with pleasant dreams.


  2. Oh honey I feel your pain!!!!!! I am JUST like that with bugs, etc.... Well, living here on the farm, I have had to buck up and be a man.... okay, be LIKE a man. We had a ladybug infestation, flies, the last week I have found 1 inch long big black things (sorry didn't want to get close enough to see what they were) spiders, oh and in the basement which is just unfinished storage, there are daddy long legs the size of my hand on the ceilings...... and mice down there too we have found in traps. You get the picture!!!! I hope your cockroaches get killed very soon and never come back!
