Saturday, June 30, 2007

The Mt. Dew

We went to get milk at Tom Thumb because we'd forgotten it earlier when we were at Central Market. The reason we went back to Tom Thumb to get it (and not Central Market, which has better milk) was because Tom Thumb has 20 oz bottles of Mt. Dew for $1.


Unfortunately, 50% of the time they're sold out, but Joey still tries just about every time. (Then, when they're sold out, his morale gets really low and he wilts and walks around talking like Eeyore. It's really sad.)

Joey had raided his change jar and, with his pockets weighed down with quarters, was ready to go get himself a Mt. Dew.

He ran into the entryway of Tom Thumb, stood in front of the vending machine and fidgeted.

"I can't do it. I can't push the button. What if it say sold out?" Joey asked me, hopping nervously back and forth.

"Just push the button." I said.

He pushed the first button. Sold out.

He pushed the second button.

He pushed the second button again.

"They're not sold out!" Joey yelled and instantly began digging through his pockets for change, and spilling it all over the floor.

"But, honey, you can't buy it before you go in the store or you'll have to buy it twice," I reasoned.

"Good point." Joey said, put the quarters back into his pocket and ran into the store. He was a man on a mission. We got the milk, checked out and were back at the vending machine in 5 minutes.

Joey pushed the first button. Sold out.

Joey pushed the second button. Sold out.

"What?!" He wailed, slamming the button over and over again, as though that would miraculously make more Mt. Dew appear.

"Somebody bought the last Mt. Dew while we were in there buying milk!" He wilted as he said this. "Come on. Let's go home. I don't need a Mt. Dew." (Please picture Eeyore saying those last phrases and you'll be just about spot-on to what Joey sounded like.)

"Give me the keys," I took them from his limp hand, "I'm driving."

"It's OK. I don't need any Mt. Dew." He was completely expressionless. This whole going from having a Mt. Dew to not having a Mt. Dew was really throwing him for a loop.

We got into the car and went to two more Tom Thumbs in an effort to find $1 Mt. Dew. There was none to be had, so I finally took him to a 7-Eleven and told him to buy one for $1.29. He was pretty gleeful and happy, so it was all worth it. :)

And the Mt. Dew is gone now, but he's currently swinging the power cord for the lappy at me and keeps hitting me with it. (I probably shouldn't have encouraged him to get that Mt. Dew after all, he seems caffinated.)

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