Monday, July 02, 2007

Build An Ark

Before we moved to Dallas I woefully lamented to Joey that "It probably never rains in Dallas, I'll really miss the sound of rain beating down on the roof." 

Famous last words.

It has not yet stopped raining.  Thus far we are having one of the wettest springs on record.  (My associates say it's all my fault for wishing it would rain more.)

I just glanced at the RADAR and, surprise!, a new storm just popped up about four hours west of Forth Worth and will be here just in time for rush hour.  Joy.  Everyone drives like idiots when it rains and gets into tons of accidents because for some reason they just can't seem to keep it between the lines.  (All that water on the windshield or something.)

And, thus, I am considering going to Lowe's to pick up some wood to start constructing an ark.  (Although I'm not sure if Joey, Henry and I will count as two of every living creature, but we're a start anyway.)

I plan to paddle up North where it's dry.

1 comment:

  1. I'm with you here...unless it's sunny and dry, these dallasites can't drive! I don't get it...
