Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Did You Buy Your Tickets?

To the air show, of course. 

(Hmm, doesn't have quite the same ring as "gun show" would.  And besides, the air show is free.)

Torrential downpours aside, we're planning to go to Kaboom Town in Addison tonight.  It should be pretty amazing (military air show, band, fireworks, etc).  We've got a passel o' friends we're taking along with us, so it had better be amazing or we'll look like a couple of gomers.

The problem is Henry.

I was on the Kaboom Town website trying to figure out how the stink to get there, where to park, if we'd have to pay to park, etc, when I came across something that was rather disturbing in the FAQ section.

Q: Can I bring my pet?
A:  No.  Leave Fido at home; only service animals are permitted on the grounds.

Here's my problem.  Henry's not really a dog, he's our stand-in child until Joey's done with seminary.  (It is, as yet, unknown whether or not he'll be demoted from Firstborn Status when we finally do have a kid.  But yes, we do refer to him as our firstborn.  Stop laughing at us.) 

He's really small and cute (small enough, in fact, to probably smuggle him on the grounds in a large bag.  Hmm, where's Gail's Mexican shopping bag when I need it...) and very serviceable indeed.  He helps us do all sorts of things (like eat what I drop when I'm baking), so I'd definitely term him a service animal.

Oh, Henry also has a couple of shirts (which he absolutely hates to wear), but we could use one for disguise if need be.  Henry incognito and all that.  It would also serve as a good diversion if we get bored; Henry tends to try to abuse himself in order to try to get the shirt he's wearing off his person.  (He's never been successful, but he sure gets dizzy running in circles trying to chase that shirt off.  It's, um, hilarious.)

So I have another three hours to decide whether or not I'm sneaking Henry into Kaboom Town. 

He's probably coming.

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