Monday, June 04, 2007


I was fixin' to send a birthday e-card to Kevin (Joey's brother) and I had it all set up when Joey came and looked over my shoulder.

I had typed the email address as

"Um, it's .net," Joey said.

"Nuts!" I said, backspaced the .com part and typed in .nuts

Joey lost it. I realized that I'd typed .nuts instead of .net and quickly rectified my error.

Joey was still laughing. "The best part is that you totally didn't realize you were doing that!"

And it's true. It was an accident. But I doubt there are any .nuts domains out there. Hmmmm...maybe I should start something like jennawoestman.nuts. That seems appropriate, I could record all my mischief since I'm always saying "nuts!" whenever I do something naughty.

And now it's time for us to get on the road and head back to Texas.

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