Wednesday, June 06, 2007

My New Skirt

When back in Iowa recently, Mommy took me shopping.

After lunching at The Blue Strawberry with Pops(yeah, not really sure why the strawberry was blue, but it was a good restaurant), she, Joey and I went over to Higley's to see what we could see.

Mommy said, "I want to buy you at outfit for work."

To which I replied, "MOMMY! Really?"

She was quite serious and began pulling skirts off racks. I glanced at the price of one of the skirts and went bugg-eyed.

"Mom. This is too expensive."

"Oh, no it's not. It's 75% off." She said, holding up a tan silk skirt with cream embroidery on it.

"What do you think of this one?" She asked. I loved it. It was gorgeous. It was my size.

It was also Extremely Expensive.

"Maybe we should go somewhere that's cheaper?" I whispered as the salesladies hovered over us.

"No, it's 75% off," Mom repeated, holding the skirt up to my waist. "Go try it on. Just for fun."

I went into the dressing room and put on the skirt. It was so pretty I didn't want to go out of the dressing room for fear that Mom might buy it for me, considering how expensive it was.

"Let me see it!" called Mom, so I stepped out of the dressing room.

"Wow...that's really pretty," Mom, Joey and the salesladies said.

"I know." I said.

Joey and Mom started whispering conspiratorially as I went back into the dressing room to change back into my jeans. I came out and hung the skirt back on the clearance rack. Mom and Joey were still looking sneaky.

"Do you have anything you could wear with that skirt?" Mom asked, plucking it off the rack.

" It's too pretty." I said.

"Your mom and I discussed it. She's buying you the skirt and I'm going to buy you a shirt to wear with it." Joey had a very pleased look on his face.

Mom smiled.

"Really?" I asked. "'s expensive!"

"Well, at 75% off it's really not that bad," Mom said, walking toward the cash register carrying a skirt for me and a skirt for her.

And so today I am wearing the prettiest skirt in the world, courtesy of my mother who not only picked it out, but also paid for it.

Thanks, Mommy!

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