Thursday, June 07, 2007


Last night Joey and I off to shop for a stereo for our anniversary.  (Thanks Mom and Dad Woestman!)  We decided our best two bets would be Target and Best Buy.  We found a stereo that Joey Really Liked at Best Buy (and it fit our budget!), but we decided we'd better go over to Target just to be sure.

The most direct route was through our old neighborhood.  I always get a kick out of driving through it, provided the doors are securely locked and it's broad daylight.

As we neared Target, I noticed a particularly run-down complex had gotten a paint job in the last couple weeks.

"WOW!"  I said to Joey, "Look at that!  It looks so much better, not so much like a wall is going to fall off here and there."

The curtains inside the windows were still as mis-hung, stained, and torn as before, but at least the exterior was a nice fresh green with clean white trim.  Quite an improvement.

Not two seconds after the "it looks so much better" words were out of my mouth, Joey and I both gasped.

"Is that?" He started.

"Unfortunately, yes!" I finished.

There were three little girls  out on one of the ground floor patios, and none of them had a stitch of clothing on.  They appeared to be seven or eight and were climbing around on the railings.

Granted, it was hot last night.  But not that hot.

We went into Target, decided we didn't like what they had to offer, and headed back out to our car to go back to Best Buy.  We were driving out of the parking lot when we saw the cats.

Twelve of them, all full grown black and white ones with fluffy, luxurious coats, sitting under a tree.

"Joey!  Look at all those cats!"  I pointed.

"Holy cow..."

"Those aren't your average, run-of-the-mill stray tabby cats," I said.  They weren't, they were all really nice looking.

We kept rubbernecking to see the cats until Joey could no longer drive without swerving, then headed back through our old neighborhood (those free little girls had gone back inside their apartment, I bet their mother had discovered what they were doing).

We bought our stereo without incident.  It's nice when that happens sometimes.

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