Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Rotten Potatoes

Joey and I went to Target last night to get groceries and an organizer for our under-the-sink abyss.  (As Mom, Amber, Sister and Laura can attest, it's pretty bad under there.)  Jamie's coming on Saturday and I couldn't bear to have another friend see my cabinet in such a state of disorganization.

We got home from the store and I pulled everything out of the cabinet.   I was relieved that I didn't find any old, rotten potatoes.  (Used to keep them under there like Mom but they started rotting because they'd roll back behind the trash bag box and I couldn't see them and, well....)  Right after Mom and Dad left in March we bought a basket so I can hang potatoes and onions in plain sight and keep much better track of them.

Didn't find any roaches, neither. (Whew!)

What I did find was lots of crumbs and dried up ooze from rotten potatoes.

I guess I'm not as organized as Mom since she can keep her potatoes under the sink without having any go missing and turn rogue.

Anyway, I sterilized the cupboard and commissioned Joey to set up my new sink shelf, which he did with pleasure.  (Well, I'm actually not sure about that, I think he wanted to read his book.  But in any case, he set it up without complaining and did a very nice job of it.)

If I had a camera, I'd totally take a before and after picture of my cabinet.  What was previously disorganized and smelled funny is now organized, accessible, and smells cheerily of thyme.

While I was at it I organized my other suspicious cupboards and am quite pleased with the result.  I don't have to be embarrassed of Jamie opening up my cupboards any longer!

Three days until she gets here!  YAY! 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for saying those nice things about me, but I just had stinky sweet potatoes this very week! What a waste!

    Could you come and do my cupboards now :-)

