Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Take Your Henry To Work Day

When I was a small, cute child I used to get to go to work with my daddy on Take Your Daughter To Work day.  (I don't think the hospital had a Take Your Son To Work day, which always seemed discriminatory to me...)

It was so great.  I'd get to sit in his office chair and play in his desk when he went to meetings, Marcia would let me have tons of Pepsis out of the fridge when Dad wasn't looking, and sometimes Daddy would take me down to the laundry room in the basement!

(And once he took even me to the smoking room to show me how gross it was.)

But the basement was always my favorite part because of the scary pipes, heavy doors, narrow hallways, and antiseptic cream color on tile floors and painted cinder block walls.  Plus the laundry room was hot, noisy, and had big machines that washed and folded linens.

I'd kind of forgotten about Take Your Daughter To Work Day (it's been about 15 years since I've gotten to go to do it!)...until today.

The cockroach exterminators are scheduled to come today and spray our apartment.  We were putting Henry in his kennel and getting to leave this morning when I asked, "Do you think Henry can be in here when the exterminators come?"

Sure wouldn't want our dog to be exterminated...

We decided we didn't know.  I called later that morning and discovered that, no, Henry cannot be in the apartment with the exterminators.

So Joey went to go get him and bring him to work.  He'd better behave because he has to be there all day long, too.  I'm not sure when he can go back in the apartment, but we have a "babysitter" lined up for this evening if need by.  (One of our neighbors likes to borrow Henry whenever possible.)

Henry's behaving pretty well, says Joey.  Earlier he had the leash around his ankle and Henry was sitting on the floor looking longingly at Joey's coworker the next desk over.  (And, of course, when the coworker left Henry began to cry.)  Currently Henry is running around Joey's office playing with everyone.  I guess he has been voted the new office mascot.  (Until he chews on some power cord or eats a flash drive...)

Hopefully Joey still has a job at the end of the day and Henry has remembered his manners and takes care of all his business outside, like normal.

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