Wednesday, June 20, 2007


A friend of mine and I were discussing how hungry we were.

"I'm starved,"  I said.

"Me too," she said.

A slight pause.

"I'm such a sugar baby," As soon as I said that my mind froze.  I realized I had no idea what the expression "sugar baby" meant, or if it had Negative Connotations.  I quickly added, "I love anything sweet."

"Yeah..." my friend mumbled.

I frantically began to wonder if I had made a serious faux-pas.  For obvious reasons, I don't normally use expressions if I don't know what they mean first.  (One never knows what one might say on accident and then have to apologize for later.) 

I opened up The Google and typed in define: sugar baby.  Nothin.

I opened up and typed in sugar baby and sugarbaby.  Neither one pulled up any definitions. 

I reopened The Google and typed in sugar baby one last time just doing a general web search.  I came up with a Bob Dylan song, a cosmetics line, and some kind of candy that's no longer on the market.  Whew.

And so it seems that, this time, I am safe.

However I don't think I'd run around using the phrase "sugar baby" if I were you...seems like it might have some street meaning that I don't know.  (Or probably want to know.)

The moral of the story is:  only use words and phrases you are absolutely positive you know the meaning of.  Otherwise you'll have people looking at you strangely and feeling obliged to apologize for saying something you didn't know you said.

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