Friday, June 22, 2007

Tag--I'm It! (and you may be too...)

Muchas gracias to Greg for tagging me.

Welcome to Blogger Tag.  I hope this goes better for me than regular tag; I was always too short and slow to ever actually tag anyone when I was It, so I was usually It for about half the game.

These are the rules, which I have blatantly plagiarized from Greg's blog.  (Many sincere thanks.)

1. Each player starts with 8 random facts/habits about themselves.
2. People who are tagged write a blog post about their own 8 random things and post these rules.
3. At the end of your post you need to tag 8 people and include their names.
4. You may need to leave them a comment and tell them they're tagged and to read your blog.

I shall now commence my 8 random facts.  Hold on tight; there's a reason I'm called The Bad Luck Child.

1.)  I once slammed a my best friend's cat paw in my car door (accidentally!!) when I was stopping by her house to surprise her.  It wouldn't have been so bad had I not locked my keys in the car, no one been home at her house, and the cat was dangling from behind the side view mirror.  For an hour.  I was also late to work.

2.)  My junior year of college I went to Slovakia with my parents.  The second day there I went to church with a bunch of people I didn't know I was very nearly arrested on a bus for accidentally double-punching my bus ticket.  (Almost got my passport stolen, too.)  In any rate, some very nice man from England bailed me out before I was hauled off to the Slovakian Slammer.  And I'm not lying about this either.

3.)  I was a camp counselor at EIBC one summer and Kelsie and I decided we were going to be the first girls to hide in the Dumpster during Counselor Hunt.  So we did.  We wrapped ourselves in trash bags and nestled down in between yesterday's milk cartons and table scraps.  Yum.

About half an hour into it we noticed mice running around behind our backsides and I started getting light-headed from having a trash bag over my head.  It was then that I remembered my mother's words from childhood..."Jenna, don't put trash bags over your head.  It's dangerous."

So I ripped myself a big hole to breathe out of and kept the bag on my head.  Nobody found us, either.  But we smelled HORRIBLE.

4.)  My first vehicle was a 1985 Chevy S-10, purchased from Woody S. in 1999. It worked great for awhile...until it started dying on left turns.  Not on right turns, just left turns.  And not every single time, either, just about 50% of it.  It became rather difficult to get places if I had to turn left to get there.

5.)  Mom, Dad, a friend and I walked to Tesco one of the weeks we were in Slovakia.  I bought chocolate (as usual) and my friend and I were behind Mom and Dad as we leisurely walked back to the church.  Suddenly my friend and I were pushed to the wall by about eight gypsies, one of which was trying to slip his hand in my purse and steal my wallet.  I happened to look down and see him, so I stomped on his foot, jabbed my elbow into his ribcage and started yelling like an American. 

All the gypsies backed off.  (He didn't get my wallet, either.)

My friend and I rushed to catch up with my oblivious parents who said, "Did you hear that bratty child back there whining?"  They were chagrined when I told them what had happened.

6.)  I went on a blind date in college.  (I think the guy's name was Chris.)  Anyway, he talked about how much money his dad made and how they were members at the Country Club the entire duration of dinner while I tried not to yawn.  And apparently I bored him equally badly because he fell asleep during the movie we went to see (Charlie's Angels...).  I never went on another blind date again.

7.)  One summer in between semesters I was working for my parents doing odd jobs.  I spilled an entire gallon of paint on brand-new carpet while painting the halls at one of my dad's apartment buildings.  (I felt so terrible because it had taken us 7 years to convince Mom and Dad to replace the original carpet in those halls and then I go and spill a huge amount of paint on it...)  So I called up my poor dad who, to his credit, did not yell at me. He showed up with a Pepsi and a Snickers and stood there, with a hand on my shoulder and said, "Yeah, you spilled a lot of paint..."  

They put a rug down over it.  And I haven't spilled paint since.

8.)  At Christmas in Indianapolis this year, Joey and I managed to leave our suitcase in  in the trunk of our car in Iowa City (we rode with Mom and Dad in their van) and, thus, were without clean underwear for 5 days.  I also washed my cell phone while trying to clean the only clothes I had with me.  We moved to Texas a week later and I lost my cell phone in a parking lot on a very rainy day.  It was picked up by a lady from Plano who got my parents' phone number, called them, they called me, I called her and we got my phone back.

Only Send, 1 4,7 and * didn't work any longer.  So I took it into the Verizon store, told them it was broken and they gave me a brand new phone.

If any of you made it through all of that, I must say that you have a very strong constitution.

And, thus, I tag...
Karen H
Sarah M
The Kid

(I'm not doing 8 either, Greg)


  1. I only did 6 names because I don't have many friends. Is that your excuse too?

  2. Affirmative...I'm a social outcast and that's why I blog

  3. Jenna

    You are too much. We love you as you are, and is it not nice that a Pepsi and a Snicker's can solve the world's problems?


  4. Glad to know I'm not the only social outcast who blogs. I think the rules should have you not only have the person's name you tag, but also their blog address. Then I would have more blogs to read while I'm busy being a social outcast. Love your blog Jenna!

  5. Oh no... is Sarah M me? if so I'd best go write my list I guess!
