Sunday, July 08, 2007

The Baby Lizard

I was in Houston this morning with Joey and a co-worker of his. We were down there to help film his coworker leading worship for his online resume and so we got to the church at 8:00 a.m.

(Church doesn't start until 10:30.)

The church was huge. Ginormous. But, unfortunately, has been in decline since its height in the mid-fifties to the sixties. So they sold their building to Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and it's now an extension campus. All this to say, when I got bored after watching Joey set up the cameras for ten minutes, there was a LOT for me to go explore.

I set out to find the church library, only to discover that there wasn't one and the seminary's was locked.

I then discovered a choir room, a music room, two robing rooms (whatever those are), and all sorts of other things I wasn't aware that churches had. (Fancy changing rooms up above the baptistry?!)

There was also a very nice courtyard which I went out into and called Sister. (She's on her way to the UP.)

After talking with Sister for 45 minutes, I decided I'd better go find Joey. I headed back into the building but, skittering across the sidewalk rather slowly, was a baby lizard. He was sort of waddling.

"Oh, little guy!" I cooed at him; my siblings and I are a big fan of smallish lizards.

I noticed a bulky black thing by his tail that I thought must be a piece of dirt he'd picked up as he ran across the sidewalk but I quickly learned otherwise.

He shook his little tail, deposited the black thing, and sped off across the sidewalk and into the bush to hide from me.

"My word," I said to myself. "I think that lizard was relieving himself and I actually saw it!"

I called Sister back immediately.

"Sister! I just saw a lizard go to the bathroom!" It was the most excitement I'd had all morning.

"That's great!" She said, enthusiastically.

I hung up with her so she could go back to taking her nap, then I ran inside to go get Joey so I could bring him out and show him the little lizard business on the sidewalk. When I told him what I wanted to show him outside, he was only slightly impressed, but he followed very obligingly.

"See? There." I pointed, as I led him to the spot.

"'re really proud of yourself, aren't you?" Joey said, trying not to laugh.

"Yes. Do you know how boring these last 2 hours have been?" I said, staring at the black speck on the sidewalk.

"You poor thing," Joey said, unsympathetically. "Come on, let's go back inside and you can show me around."

And so I did.

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