Friday, July 06, 2007


I feel really unusual. Sickly without actually feeling sick, you know? (Well, you probably don't, which is why I'm terming it "unusual".)

All day yesterday I felt like I was swirling around and the world was standing still, plus I just felt disgusting. No stomach ache, no sore throat, no sniffles...just felt disgusting. So I went to bed at 9:30 last night and, um, overslept this morning and got up at 7:10.

I felt great until lunch.

It was Wild About Harry's today, and they have brisket hot dogs (only down here could you get hot dogs made out of brisket...) and custard.

I thought I was feeling Suspicious again (only this time with a tummy ache) so I got myself a Sprite with a twist of lemon. The dizzies set in shortly thereafter, and I determined that I might as well eat a hot dog because I felt sick anyway. So I made myself my first chili dog ever and am currently eating a smallish scoop of custard with fluorescent green, hot pink and yellow sprinkles.

It's super tasty and I've eaten less than half.

I'm thinking of throwing it away, though, because the longer I sit here the more Suspicious I feel. And, unfortunately , we're going to Houston tomorrow. We're staying at some people's house that neither Joey nor I has ever seen before in the course of our lives.

So I can hardly say to our poor hostess, "I'm sorry, I'm not eating that. I feel Suspicious."

1 comment:

  1. WE know all about suspicious in the Holmes household. Suspicious can send you to the hospital - multiple times. Don't mess around with SUSPICIOUS! O, and feel better soon. :)
