Friday, July 20, 2007

The Brown Shirt, cont.

So we got The Brown Shirt washed and it now smells really nice.  It's also not quite as soft as it was before, which really grosses me out when I think about how sweaty it must have been.  But, since it's clean and fresh, I decided to take a closer look to see just what it said.

It says, "God Save The Queen" in an old-timey calligraphy and has a British flag with some fuzzy brown swirlies around the outside of it.

Top-notch, I say.

Joey put it on and said, "I really hope I don't run into whoever used to own this shirt.  That could be kind of awkward."

"Yeah," I said, "You can just tell him you got it from your wife."  Because everyone knows it's possible for two people to have the same t-shirt.

Joey shrugged his shoulders around, adjusting the shirt.  "I think it's too big."

"Honey, it's a medium.  There's no way a medium is too big for you."  (He's quite strong.)

"OK, but I just feel like it's supposed to fit tighter."  He shrugged and wiggled some more.

"You look very nice,"  I assured him.

And so he wore The Brown Shirt to work today and probably had an even better Friday because of it. I bet all his co-workers are jealous.  Sorry there's no pictures but our camera is still stolen.

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