Saturday, July 21, 2007

It's Doubtful That Joey And I Have A Life

I'm sure you will concur once you're finished reading this.

We have some friends who got us hooked on The Office. They lent us their DVDs of Seasons 1 and 2 and, on Thursday, we finished Season 2. I was certifiably hooked and, as soon as the credits rolled on the season finale I wailed to Joey, "I must see Season 3!"

Unfortunately it's not out until, like, September 3. Lame.

Joey, my ever resourceful husband, had a solution.

"My coworker bought all the episodes on iTunes last year as they were coming out. Maybe he'd let me put them on our iPod so we could watch them this weekend." He proceeded to ask said coworker the next day if he'd let us borrow them. Said coworker agreed.

Joey was rather glum about the fact that our iPod screen is so tiny, so he decided to risk it all and ask/bribe his boss if he could borrow a projector for the weekend. (Hi, Jim.)

Jim said yes!! (Thanks, Jim. Cookies forthcoming)

Joey then called me and left me a very strange, gloating-type message on my voicemail informing me that he was probably the best husband in the world. (I'd have to agree with that, too.)

When I arrived home from Wherever I Go During The Day (see, Grandpa, I'm covering all my bases...) Joey had the iPod, projector and surround sound system set up.

We watched four episodes and stayed up way past our bedtime. I woke him up at 8:30 so we could watch more this morning. We've cleaned the house and are just getting ready to go to the store. Once we return, we're watching more. It'll be sweet.

Our friends who got us hooked are coming over tonight to watch a bunch with us. (I think the main attraction may actually be the projector.) So our weekend plans look something like this: watch The Office, do some stuff, watch The Office, do some stuff, watch The Office, sleep, go to church, watch The Office, etc.

Not sure what we'll be doing about Season 4 yet...we don't have a TV.

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