Saturday, July 21, 2007

My Sideview Mirror & The Lady's Elbow

Went to Chase to pick up a friend after work. The parking lot was packed and, once she got in the car, we had to go quickly to follow her co-worker to her car to make she got there safely. There were cars behind me and on both sides, so I put mine in reverse and tapped the gas ever so slightly so that the other cars would realize that I wanted to back up. (You know, those white lights mean that you're backing up...)

There was a lady standing next to the car to my left and, unfortunately, just as I tapped my gas to signal that, yes, I wanted to back up, she put her elbow out. My sideview mirror made contact with aforementioned elbow, and the lady angrily went to the sidewalk.

"Wow, that lady is really glaring at you," my friend said.

"Yeah...." I muttered, trying to maneuver out of the parking spot so I could follow my friend's coworker.

"Holy cow, she is giving you the meanest look. I wonder what her problem is?"

"Um..." I stalled, not looking at the grouchy lady or my friend. I successfully backed up and gunned it out of the parking lot.

We never found my friend's coworker, so we're really hoping she made it to her car OK.

Once we were out of the glaring lady's view I said to my friend, "So you wanna know why that lady was glaring at me?"

I suppose I'd glare at somebody if they bonked my elbow with their sideview mirror. I, however, wouldn't be stupid enough to poke my elbow out if the car next to me was backing out.

I hope.

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