Thursday, July 12, 2007

Burnt Popcorn

Joey's at his Nerd Cut Pro User's Group Meeting tonight, which means Jenna's all alone and bored.

And, unfortunately, hungry.

We have almost no food in the house, either, the refrigerator is bare. Which makes my predicament more dire. I could think of only one thing to do: call Joey.

"Joey, I'm hungry." I whined.

" something?" He suggested vaguely.

"There's nothing to eat; we don't have any food." I wimpered, sure that he'd leave his Nerd Cut Pro meeting and come to my rescue.

"Don't we have some peanuts?" Joey asked.

Oh, the can of peanuts; forgot about those.

"Um, I don't really like peanuts by themselves." I countered. "Popcorn, maybe?" I offered.

"There's only one bag of popcorn left in the house!" Joey yelped.

"Yeah, and I'm going to eat it," I said with determination. We hung up rather quickly and I set about making my bag of popcorn. (All the while trying not to think of the people who work in the microwave popcorn factories who are struggling with Teflon poisoning from whatever they use to coat those bags with...)

I simply adore burnt popcorn. It is, like, right up there with burnt marshmallows. SO TASTY. Joey, on the other hand, despises it. So I make it when he's gone. (I think our first marital "discussion" came from me deliberately setting the microwave timer 1 second longer than he asked me to and, unfortunately, I burnt the popcorn. But come on, 1 second?! It had to be a fluke.)

But Joey ain't here. So I set that timer for 4 minutes (the popcorn setting is for 2:45) and left the room.

I opened the sliding glass door so I could open the bag outside and release most of the smoke, that way Joey won't be wise to my mischief until tomorrow morning when he reads this blog post. (Hi, babe!)

So my love, yes, I did burn the last bag of popcorn.

And it's so good.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE burnt marshmellows! And I like burnt popcorn too. Ahh, it's nice to know that someone else can appreciate my tastes...
