Wednesday, July 11, 2007

My Romantic Date

When I came in from shopping this evening, Joey grabbed my hand and said, "Come on, we're going on a date."

"Where, it's 8:15?" I asked, getting ready to put Henry in the kitchen. (We leave him there when we're gone.)

"You'll find out, and we're taking Henry." Joey said.

We walked, walked, walked, and walked. Finally Joey said, "You know what today is, right?"

"Um....July 11?" I ventured.

"Correct. Seven-eleven." He pointed across the street to the 7-11. "Today 7-11 is giving away free 7.11 oz Slurpees in honor of their 80th anniversary, and we're getting some!"

"REALLY!?" I shrieked, but not too loudly because there were some cops who were searching these ginormous, tough-looking guys car for drugs (parked in the street, mind you), and the ginormous guys were sitting dejectedly on the grass right next to where we were. I didn't want to set them off.

"Yep." Joey said, proudly.

"I've never had a Slurpee before!" I crowed, knowing that Joey had remembered this from the last time we were at 7-11 getting his Mt. Dew that he just had to have.

Joey went inside the store and I stayed out with Henry, following carefully his instructions to "make sure I can see you out the window at all times". Nobody tried to kidnap me.

Joey came out, mini Slurpee in hand, and was MY turn. I gleefully skipped inside with my 7.11 oz Slurpee cup and stood before the Slurpee machine and tried to make my decision.

It was hard.

I finally decided I would just sample a teeeeeeeeeeny bit from the two I thought sounded the best. So I did. I wound up settling on cherry, which turned out to be pretty good.

We walked back to our apartment, happily slurping our Slurpees and having a very nice time talking as the sun went down. All in all, a very great surprise date. (Even though the mosquitoes were out in full force this evening.)

Thanks, baby, I love you!

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