Tuesday, July 31, 2007

In Which I Wonder If I Have A Shellfish Allergy

Things seem to be calming down.  Joey's family was here for the weekend and, while we didn't do most of the exciting things that we had planned to do, a good time was had by all.  (Even the brothers-in-law, I'd wager.)

On Friday night we grilled out at Joey's uncle Ken's house.  We (mostly they) were re-shingling his roof and so everyone went over to hang out and assess the job before we started on Saturday morning.  (Actually only FIL#1 and Ken did that, but whatever.)

Tom grilled these tasty shrimp wrapped in bacons.  Oh man, they were great.  I ate about six of them, I think, because I was really starved.

About twenty minutes later, my chest started tightening up.  I was feeling really dizzy and out of breath, so I sat on the couch and played with the kids instead of scampering around with the boys. 

By 9:00, I was still having trouble breathing.  I took a large, labored breath and said, "Gosh, I wonder if I have a shellfish allergy.  This is really weird, I've never felt like this before."

Nobody said anything, so I figured I was just fine.

When I tried to fall asleep at 11:30 I still felt really uncomfortable.  Thinking maybe it was just a high pollen day and it was asthma, I went out and got my inhaler.  I felt decidedly un-better after doing that.  So I prayed a lot and tried to fall asleep.

I felt much better in the morning, so I completely forgot about the incident.

Yesterday before Joey's parents left we had lunch at Pei Wei which is this great Asian diner down the street from my office. Joey ordered lettuce wraps and Kevin ordered crab won-tons to have as our appetizer; I'm not sure that FIL#1 was very happy with either of them for doing that.  (Costs lots of $$, you know.) 

I ate one lettuce wrap and one crab won-ton and both were exceptionally tasty.

Everyone left at noon and I went back up to my office to do what I do best: work.  However, I was having a really difficult time breathing and I was severely dizzy.  It felt like an elephant was sitting on my chest and I couldn't get enough oxygen to save my life.  (Well, you know what I mean.)

By 2:00 I was seriously annoyed.  I called my doctor because I thought something must be wrong with me.  The nurse concurred and told me to come in for a blood test on Thursday and then an appointment on Friday.

Every time I go to the doctor they draw my blood.  I hate that; it's MY blood.  So on Friday I guess I'll find out if I have to quit eating shrimp, crab, and clam chowder.

I love clam chowder.

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