Tuesday, July 31, 2007


You know how some days just start out kind of wrong?  This one seems to be like that.

Last night I painted my nine toenails a deep, dark red (to match the reddish/bloody stump that won't wash off on my bald baby toe) and somehow in the night I smudged the polish.   Not a really bad smudge, just the side of my right big toe, but it's still demoralizing.  (When you only have nine toenails, it seems to be a bigger deal when one of the nails gets smudged.  At least I feel like it is.)

And then I stepped on the inside hem of my pants with my heel.  I ripped out the hem and have been stepping/tripping on it all day long.

Oh, and yesterday the neighbors moved out. (Who moves on a Monday?!)  I don't think much of anything in that apartment was packed, either, because I got a good look inside about 5:30 and it was looking pretty disorganized.

They were still going strong at 11:30.  I know this because I had almost fallen asleep, you know, teetering on that fragile precipice, when somebody dropped something outside and they started yelling back and forth (very loudly) about who was going to go back and pick it up.

We haven't heard the neighbors (any of them) in the 7 months we've lived in this apartment.  And I was in very ill humor at that moment and very nearly went outside and yelled at them.  (Of course, I'd have taken Henry with me for protection.)

We're praying that whoever moves in is:
a.) quiet
b.) not a smoker
c.) not creepy

So that's my gripe list for the day; I think I need an attitude adjustment.  Anyone volunteering?

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