Sunday, July 15, 2007

In Which Jenna Learns a Valuable Lesson

Sometimes I'm not very proud of myself. This morning during church (during church!) was one such time.

Joey was running our A/V stuff because the church's Mac got struck by lightning several weeks ago and has since been reduced to a heap of quivering 0's and 1's. (Poor thing.) So Joey brought our Mac somehow hooked it up to the stricken computer and mades things happen.

I don't understand it.

At any rate, he sat up in the sound booth this morning so he could run the slides during the service. I, not wanting to look like a loser and sit by myself, sat up there with him. (It's really hot up there.)

Right before the service began, someone came over to the A/V area and said to Joey, "Ya know, we used to have 600 people and run two services on a Sunday morning." And then, after an awkward silence, he sort of walked away.

As the pastor began to preach (sorry Alan), I decided I had the bird's-eye view that was necessary to count the people in the sanctuary. So I did. (I came up with 180.)

I pointed the number I had drawn on my bulletin to Joey. He sort of nodded and looked back at his laptop screen to click the next slide. So I leaned over to Joey and whispered to him, to the best of my knowledge, just why exactly all those people had left.

He nodded in all the right places. Then he whispered back at me, "You know, we're recording this sermon and I think all that stuff you just said got recorded right over the sermon."

I paled. "What?"

Joey tapped his laptop and watched the little sound jibbly line jump. Yep, everything I had just said was recorded right over the top of Alan's message.

Good one, Jenna.

"I'll delete it after the service," Joey said.

And that's why there is no recording of the message at church today. Because Jenna's an idiot and didn't think before she spoke. So think before you spread gossip. You never know who might be standing around the corner....or what microphone will pick you up.

We're really hoping Joey's recording of the message was a backup, otherwise I'm going to have to go apologize. Definitely learned my lesson!

1 comment:

  1. The sad thing is that some of us seem to have to keep learning that same lesson over and over again - even though some of the lessons REALLY leave an impression. Strengths = Weaknesses sometimes, I guess. I felt that stomache feeling for you as I read; all too familiar!
