Saturday, July 14, 2007

Tub Scum

My mom has this skill. It's the "Anything I Clean Becomes Spotless Instantly" skill.

I totally envy her.

I'm a neat freak who cannot keep her tub clean. It's a very unfortunate combination, one which I choose to think is OK since the tub is generally covered by a shower curtain and the only people who see it are Joey and I. When Joey and I moved from Iowa to Texas, Mom (poor mom!) assigned herself the task of cleaning our bathtub.

I try to clean the bathtub, I honestly do.'s hard. And, honestly, I get all lightheaded from the cleaner fumes. But my mom? Give her 20 minutes and she'll have that bathtub looking brand, spankin' new. It's amazing and I'm totally jealous.

This morning, I set out to clean my tub. I used way more Soft Scrub (with bleach, even!) than my mom ever would (she's real conservative on her Soft Scrub usage, not sure how she does it) and covered the entire tub with a film of cleaner. I then left it for 20 minutes, hoping it would do something while I was gone.

That, and I was getting light headed from the fumes.

When the 20 minutes were up, I put my gloves on and headed back to the bathroom. I scrubbed, scrubbed and scrubbed. I saw some improvement, which was very encouraging, but it wasn't perfectly sparkling white.

"How does Mom do it?" I thought, as I brought my head up out of the tub for air. The bleach was really getting to me. I rinsed, put the slippy mat back in and surveyed my work.

Not much improvement, I'm afraid, and I even scrubbed super hard! For a long time!

Mommy, I need you to come clean my tub for me.


  1. Hang in there, Jenna. I'm with you. It's a generational thing, I think. All of the great tub scrubbers are not passing on the magic. It's a conspiracy.

  2. My mom could clean a kitchen floor cleaner than anyone I ever knew!
