Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Joey's Bad Idea

Joey was really tired last night.  We were just about asleep when he asked, "When Henry dies and we have to get a new dog, what color should we get?"

Such a morbid question. 

"I think black.  I like the black ones,"  I said.

"No...because then when it gets old it'll turn gray," Joey mumbled, and tossed around trying to get comfortable.  "Let's get a mostly brown and white one.  Because then the brown will turn to light brown, and the white will stay white!"

Genius, pure genius.  He was definitely on to something.  (And definitely tired.)

"But I still like the black ones, they're cute," I maintained.

There was a pause.  Then a manly giggle.  Then:

"I have an even better idea!"  Joey exclaimed, sleepily, sitting up a little bit.  "We'll name it after one of your ex boyfriends and every time I see it I'll kick it!"

I couldn't help it.  I had to laugh.  He was obviously at that point of sleepiness where he is beyond all logical thought.

"No!" I half laughed, half demanded, "Because then I'd feel sorry for the poor dog, you kicking it all the time."

"Maybe..."  Joey mumbled.

So here's what's not going to happen.  Henry's hopefully going to be around for awhile, so we shouldn't have to worry about picking out a new dog (which apparently has to be male), coloring and all, and naming it after Someone We Don't Speak Of any time soon.

We can all breathe a great sigh of relief. 

Or, at least, Henry can.  Poor Henry.

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