Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Mom, Don't Read This Lest You Become Sad

Disclaimer: I do not condone or watch The Simpsons, henceforth referred to as "Bad TV Show", and will not see the movie.


Eleven 7-11s in this country have been converted into Kwik E Marts (some convenience store from the Bad TV Show, I guess) as advertising for the upcoming Bad TV Show Movie. They painted them orange, changed the signs, and turned the Slurpee machines into a Squishee machines.

Fairly amazing.

Turns out, one of the 11 converted stores is 1.6 miles from our apartment. We happened to drive by it on Friday and I commented on how ugly the sign was and "Who would name their store Kwik E Mart anyway?"

A few minutes later Joey said, "Hey, that's one of those converted 7-11s for the Bad TV Show Movie! We have to stop there on the way back."

We forgot to stop.

Last night after dinner Joey said, "Let's go to the Kwik E Mart for Squishees."

And so we did.

While I have never watched the Bad TV Show, the novelty of having one the eleven converted stores in the entire US so close to my house was enough to count me in.

The parking lot was jammed full of people. There were cars parked at strange angles blocking the fire lane and, pretty much, the entire driveway. Joey let me out so I could take a picture, which about three other people were doing. I took one on my cell phone (since the camera's still stolen) and wasn't watching where I was going. I tripped when I was walking across the graded dirt in the vacant lot next door and wound up getting a lot of it in my sandal; this was very annoying.

There was a Bank of Springfield sign on the side of the building.

Joey giggled and pointed. "Look it says Bank of Springfield."

"What's Springfield?" I asked, thinking it was a real place. Turns out it's not, it seems to be the locale of the Bad TV Show.

Joey finally found a place to park and we got out and waded through the mass of people inside the Kwik E Mart. We finally reached the Squishee machine and were faced with the dilemma of what flavor of Squishee to get.

We settled on Jolly Rancher Watermelon, which was very tasty.

While I was dealing with a perpetually overflowing Squishee, Joey decided he'd better get in line. My Squishee finally quit overflowing and I joined him, quite sticky in the fingers. There was a case of pink frosted doughnuts with green and yellow sparkles. Joey was eying them with a greedy look in his eye.

Suddenly; "Let's get some doughnuts too," Joey said, reaching into the case and grabbing two.

He didn't really need to twist my arm, I'm a Big Fan of doughnuts. We bought our items and happily walked out of the store, slurping our Squishees.

"This is tasty," I commented. Joey handed me my pink doughnut which I also began to munch.

"Why did they have pink doughnuts?" I asked.

"They're the doughnuts from the show," Joey replied.

He knows entirely too much about that Bad TV Show, if you ask me. Don't worry, Mom, I won't watch it.


  1. Man, I can't beLIEVE you don't know about the donuts, Jenna! That's one of my all time favorite episodes from Bad TV Show. And this is where my favorite quote, which I say regularly when eyeing donuts, comes from: "Mmmm ... forbiden dooonuuuuut ..."

  2. Well, I must say I much more proud of child #1 than I am of child #4, since child #4 has obviously WATCHED Bad TV Show.... more than once. And that DOES make me sad :-(

  3. And Joey should not know about them either since he was also forbidden to watch the Bad TV Show. However, having grown up in The Land of Lincoln and having visited Springfield, Ill many a time, I do have to say it and many more Springfields do exist across this great country. Just not the Springfield of the Bad TV Show.
