Friday, August 17, 2007


Sometimes it's nice to be told that you're awesome, super organized and never have a bad attitude.  Unfortunately I know that all of these statements are false because:
a.)  Often I am not awesome
b.)  You should see my coat closet
c.)  Occasionally I have a bad attitude

However, it's still nice to hear.  I just need to remind myself that reality is quite different than my complimenter's perception of it.

I tend to be a people-pleaser, so of course such a glowing review fluffs up my ego, particularly when that was what I was going for all along.  But this is one of the many reasons I got married.  Because...

When I'm in a bad mood because my kitchen is disorganized and I'm being grumpy to Joey it reminds me that, alas, I'm not perfect after all.  In fact, I'm quite the opposite.

It makes me very thankful for grace.

And for my husband, who is like a font of grace-giving amazing love.  I was just thinking about this last night, actually, how Joey is such a good picture of what Jesus is to me.  He forgives me when I hurt him and he doesn't hold a grudge.  He reminds me that I have growing to do, but he does it gently.  He thinks about me and what I want more than he thinks about himself.  He sacrifices things he wants to do (or have) for me.

(Speaking of how fantastic Joey is...he just stopped by and brought me flowers!  Twelve flowers because it's twelve days until my birthday.  How sweet..)

But I digress.

Actually, come to think of it, I can't remember where I was going with that.  The flowers completely distracted me.  Maybe it'll come back to me and I'll finish this post later.

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