Friday, August 17, 2007

She Has A Point

I was eating lunch with someone today and happened to tell her about my rather pathetic lifelong dream that has recently been achieved.

"You know, you probably shouldn't have put your names on that," she said, sagely.

"Why?"  I asked.

"Well, they might go through the rent rosters and figure out which apartment houses a Jenna and a Joey and then they'll make you pay for new concrete."

Oops.  I guess I should have thought of that first.  I don't want to pay for new concrete, or get in trouble.  I hate getting in trouble.

Next time I'm using fake names. Or initials.  Something less easily traceable.

1 comment:

  1. oooh, she's right. try middle names. When Jim and I want to keep anon we just refer to ourselves as Doug and Elizabeth. We're not lying. :)
