Saturday, August 18, 2007

Pin Curls

We're going to dinner with Joey's aunt and uncle tonight and so I decided I'd better get around to taking a shower. (I usually refuse on Saturdays.)

By 4:15 I was all clean and fresh smelling. Because I had nothing better to do with my time, I decided I'd put my hair in pin curls and see how it turned out. (My hair is getting pretty long, which is very exciting. It almost touches my shoulders!!)

My hair is naturally annoying in that it's neither curly nor straight. It has an identity crisis. However, I can straighten or curl it in a jiffy because, since it doesn't know what it wants to be, I can change its mind rather easily. Don't you all wish you had my luck.

I did my entire head up in pin curls, put on makeup and started a load of laundry. Joey, who had been outside changing the oil in the Toyota, came bursting in at 4:30.

"Woah, you look hot!" He said when he saw me.

"Thanks..." I said. "Um, my hair's not staying this way. I'm taking it down when it dries."

"Bummer." He said and marched off to go take a shower that he desperately needed.

I haven't taken my hair down yet, I'm planning to do it as soon as we get The Call saying that we should head to the restaurant. Fortunately if it winds up looking dreadful I can always put my hair in a ponytail.

Because it's long enough now!

1 comment:

  1. I know what you mean about the hair identity crisis thing. I have the same I guess I do have your luck - which doesn't always feel that lucky! :) That's prbly what brings me to chop it all off every 2 years! I used to do pin curls all the time (at least every other day) when I was in the growing-it-out stage last time (esp. during the annoying mullet stage). It was way fun and I think I mastered it. I loved it cause it was an anti-damage way to get some curl. Perms are "ew" - too much sacrificing healthy hair for a stinky wave or two. Anyway, if you check out my facebook wedding pics, I did pin curls then. So, if you want some tips and to-do's for pin curls, I'll offer what I can. I usually did it the night before so it really had some time to set. I would wear a silky type bandana thingy at night so that my hair wouldn't rip outta the pins (ick). You can usually find those at the Afro-American hair care section of wal-mart. Also, I would put some kind of serum (Fructose Curl Defining Spray worked wonders for me) before I pinned it up for the night. It was always crazy curly in the morning, but with a few minutes and some manipulation it calmed down and was a lot of fun! The only downside was, when my hair got too long, it was more difficult b/c it was too thick, it took forever and I needed the huge bobby pins to hold my hair down. Secret --- you can usually go the next day without washing it, too. It still looks good. Also, you can twist the curls different ways and part the sections specifically depending on the outcome you want. Maybe when my hair gets back to the pin curl stage (in about 4 mos or so possibly), I can post a how-to on my blog, with pics even. :) Thank you for enduring my informal and potentially confusing intro session on pin curls!
